Friday, March 30, 2012

Canon 5d Mark 3 - Birds in Flight 720p at 60fps

Testing out the Canon 5d Mark 3.  I wanted to try slow motion using the 60fps setting.  Pretty impressed even at the 720p setting.  I unfortunately only had a 50mm lens attached at the time.

Canon 5d Mark 3 - Birds in Flight 720p at 60fps (by CreativeOutletHobbie)

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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Rick Hinderer XM-18 Gen 4, Slicer Grind

Rick Hinderer Slicer Grind Generation 4 XM-18

Blade Steel:  Duratech 20CV
Blade Size = 3.5 Inch
Overall Length = 8.25"
Weight = 5.6 oz
Lock Type = Frame Lack
Materials:  Titanium scale and g-10 scale
Flipper or No Flipper:  No Flipper
Color:  OD Green Scale
Pocket Clip = Tip up or tip down, only right handed through.

--Overall comments:

-  Very nice high end knife
- Ergonomics very good.
-The figer choil on the blade (like a Strider) is very good for detailed cutting, but may limit the amount of force you can apply to the blade due to the non-traditional finger placement.
- Very sharp, durable, heavy use capable
- Extremely high quality, blade centering is perfect.  
- Due to the high quality and rugged use I consider it a mix between a Chris Reeve Knife and a Strider.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Canon 5d Mark III - My recommended kit.

Here is the start of the my Canon 5d Mark III toolkit: Check back soon. To start off with we have the Camera Body itself.


 Recommend Lenses: Help support the site and order through these links.

Canon 24-105